DATALAC: Is the afterlife real?
This topic is both easy and difficult.
It is easy because for those who have a religion, the answer is already available and clear: Death is not the end. Religions teach that there are angels, demons, heaven, hell, past lives, future lives, worship, ancestor veneration, and so on. Therefore, it can be said that people believe that life continues after death.
However, this topic is also difficult because for those who do not follow a religion and do not believe in divine beings, there is no general basis for the discussion. Moreover, in the spiritual realm, it is not easy to conduct empirical experiments like in science. In the US, there are many research groups attempting to capture images and record the voices of ghosts, but to date, no convincing results have been obtained. In theory, the three big questions of philosophy, “Does God exist? Is the soul immortal? And, Is there free will?” are still unresolved issues, and no one has answered them decisively. With such tension, how can I be certain about anything! Therefore, it is best to mention some ideas for you to refer to.
Why do I think “Is the afterlife real?” Because I want to present it to all of you, both religious and non-religious people, I will arrange it into four sections as follows (these are things you may have thought about before).
- Why is there divination with 50% of the world’s population having experienced it?
- Why are there religions with 90% of the world’s population believing in a Supreme Being?
- Why does each person have a unique fingerprint with 100% of the world’s population knowing this?
- My personal experiences.
Please read each section below.
Section 1: Why is there divination with 50% of the world’s population having experienced it?
Divination predicts the future. Here, we can consider all types of divination, including Eastern and Western divination such as astrology, palm reading, feng shui, geomancy, tarot, horoscopes, etc. At least 50% of the world’s population has experienced it and found that many things are accurate. If divination is truly a mystical discipline, then that mysticism cannot be anything other than the guidance of beings in the afterlife who are controlling our world. They want to let us know about some parts of the future in advance and we receive that through such divination methods.
For those who want to prove that mystical practices are not real, it is a recognized freedom, but be warned that proving it will be much harder, not easier.
It is often said that anything that has existed for a long time must have its own morality. Religion has been with humans since the dawn of civilization. Before humans had language, they had not really risen above animals, and when they started to speak, they began to worship gods and spirits. Religion has existed for a very long time and must certainly have its own morality. It can be defined without fear of being wrong: Humans are inherently religious beings.
As mentioned in the first paragraph, those who follow a religion know and believe that death is not the end. Death is just a transition, a cycle of birth and death, a return to dust. Death is the beginning of a new phase, like moving from one room to another by opening a door on the wall. However, those in the next room do not reveal what is happening in their room to those sitting in this room. This is a plan designed by the Almighty, and there are some things that we are not allowed to know.
In a country, why does each person have a different identification card? — To manage. In a company, why does each employee have a different employee ID? — To manage. In a customer list, why does each customer have a different account number? — To manage.
So in the human world, why does each person have a different fingerprint? — To manage.
Who manages it? — Certainly not ordinary people in our world. They are the ones we will meet after we die. Death is not the end.
If anyone wants to prove the opposite, they are free to do so, but they should know it will be much harder. We cannot find two people with the exact same fingerprints.
My personal experiences include encounters with beings from the spirit world, such as saints and ghosts. I know that saints rarely come down to earth and ghosts also rarely ascend to the world of the living. This is interesting because saints come to help people, which is understandable, but if ghosts are allowed to come up, they also come to help people and never harm anyone. Ghosts are much kinder than humans. These feelings have made me not afraid of ghosts since I was young. I am only afraid of humans.
Other experiences have shown me that we live 70 years on this earth, just like a chick inside an egg being incubated. During those 21 days, the egg thinks “Hatching is the end!” just as we think “Death is the end!” How could it know that only after the egg hatches, the chick has a chance to see the wide-open sky and land? It only knows how to look at the empty eggshell left behind after the chick has hatched and gone, and think “Oh, the time of white and red passion has passed, what is left now?”
An egg is incubated for 21 days, and the chick that hatches lives for 3 years (50 times longer). According to that ratio, we live 70 years on earth and then die, become something else, and continue to live for another 3,500 years. So, would you prioritize this 70-year life or the 3,500-year life, if you knew that the only criterion for having a good afterlife is a compassionate heart towards others?
This is a story that cannot be fully explained as mentioned earlier. But if we carefully review what has been analyzed, we can see that it is not easy to simply say “Death is the end!” That sentence can be said in a specific context, but if said as a general affirmation that there is nothing after death, it is very thoughtless and simply because human life cannot be meaningless to that extent…
By Hoang Manh Hai